Assorted Links Saturday
Biden, China, Covid and the economy, restaurants, techno-optimism, retirement, and more.
Table of Contents
The trend of Biden putting into policy what Trump introduced as rhetoric continues: White House officials consider probe into China’s industrial subsidies.
Weekend reading: Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World’s Economy. Here's an excerpt: 2020 Was Almost Worse Than 2008.
How eating out has changed, from the menu to the tip: Early-bird dinners, sturdier pizzas, noisier streets: The pandemic has brought a host of new developments that could last awhile.
The four most important charts in science & technology
— Alec Stapp (@AlecStapp) September 8, 2021
(note: all y-axes are log scale)

Infinite progress, techno-optimism and the near future: Making progress does not guarantee the survival of civilization. But not making progress fast enough is the surest way that civilization comes to an end.
America's new retirement age is 62 — or younger. The 'Great Resignation' is giving boomers their golden years back.
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