Assorted Links Thursday
Desks, restaurants, print advertising, rivers, and when will the supply chain return to normal, and more.
Table of Contents
The evolution of the desk:
Majority of restaurant operators say business conditions are worse now than three months ago: The delta variant, understaffed restaurants and higher food costs are among the issues plaguing the industry.
Reading today: How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking
People remember print ads better than digital ads after one week: They can be more effective - even if they are more expensive.
River Runner is a virtual tour of the US that follows watersheds. On the website, pick a place in the contiguous US and then it will carry you along the creeks and rivers that flow from that place until you reach the ocean.
When will your supply chain return to normal:
In June, two thirds of firms estimated their supply chains would return to normal within six months. This month, 72.3% of firms think it’ll take more than six months, with fully one third of them saying it’ll be more than a year.

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