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Episode #3: From Econ Dev, to a Startup, and Back Again with Shad Burner

What economic developers can learn from working at a startup tech company.

Dane Carlson
Dane Carlson
1 min read
Episode #3: From Econ Dev, to a Startup, and Back Again with Shad Burner

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Episode #3 of the Econ Dev Show Podcast is now live.  In it, we talk to Shad Burner.

Shad made the jump from economic development at a chamber of commerce, to a startup tech company, and then back to economic development for the state of Missouri.

Along the way, he learned not only how to be entrepreneurial, but how talk to entrepreneurs in their own language. He understands what keeps them up at nights, what they care about, and most importantly what they don't care about at all.

Give it a listen.

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Founder/Host of Econ Dev Show. Also: Sitehunt CEO and economic development consultant in Greater Houston, Texas.

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