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Speak, Connect, Thrive: The Economic Developer's Brief Guide to Conversational Magic

Turning '' into 'wow, tell me more!'

Dane Carlson
Dane Carlson
1 min read
Speak, Connect, Thrive: The Economic Developer's Brief Guide to Conversational Magic

Ever wonder why some economic developers are conversation magnets? It's not by accident. Here's how to become the person everyone wants to talk to:

  • Nail that first impression.
  • Listen like a pro.
  • Talk about what matters.
  • Dodge awkward silences.
  • Exit conversations smoothly.
  • First Impressions Count

Getting off on the right foot is simpler than you think. Expect to be liked, and you probably will be. Ditch the "just be yourself" advice for a bit of warmth and openness. A genuine smile and taking your time to speak can make a world of difference.

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Beyond the First Hello

Hunting for respect or trying to look smart often does the opposite. Real connections come from being real yourself.

Get Them Talking

Good conversation is less about what you say and more about how you listen. Encourage others to share their stories and opinions without judgment. Active listening is key.

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