Rural Development
Podcast # 87: Rural Rescue: Small Town Solutions with David Thornell
David Thornell is the author of Small Town Solutions: An Economic Development Guide for Small Communities with BIG Dreams

Ten Ways Rural Communities Sabotage Themselves
You don't need a study. Everyone knows at least one thing that needs improvement. Start there.
Five Things Rural Communities Should "Not Do" In 2023
If people can benefit from anti-resolutions, why can't communities?
Rural Towns Must Look Inward, Not Outward, To Survive and Thrive
Rural towns must focus on what they have - their residents, leaders, students, workforce, and businesses - before looking elsewhere.
Rural Towns Need To Recruit More
Rural communities must keep as many companies, residents, and students out of the transfer portal as possible.
Ask This Question To Find Out Whether Your Community Will Be Successful In Adding New Jobs
Do your current businesses have what they need to operate efficiently and grow?
Why Your Community Does Not Solve Problems and How To Change
Most people are not natural problem-solvers, and communities are no different.
How To Make Size (or Lack Thereof) An Advantage In Economic Development
Size can be a massive advantage for smaller communities when bringing various parts of their community together.