The Econ Dev Show in 2022 and 2023
Here's to another fantastic year of economic development podcasting. I can't wait to see what 2023 brings. Stay tuned!

Table of Contents
Welcome to 2023. In 2022, I published 46 episodes of the Econ Dev Show Podcast. Unfortunately, since I try to release weekly, I missed six whole weeks. Oops!
This year I plan to increase the podcast output and look forward to continuing the great conversations on economic development. As we head into the new year, whether you are just starting in your career or are a seasoned professional in the field, there is always something new to learn about this fascinating subject
If you're doing something interesting in economic development or know of someone who is, please reach out. I'd love to chat and share the story on the podcast. Here's my scheduling link.
Thanks for listening!
In case you missed them (and you probably did), here are the ten least listened-to episodes of 2023:
Bottom Ten
- Economic Development in New Mexico with Kristen Gamboa
- Economic Development in Alabama With Jim Searcy
- Talking Econ Dev Marketing and Hubspot with Tom Wengler
- Podcasting 101
- Mind the T's with Chris Johnson in Johnston County
- Rural California Business Retention and Attraction With Cole Przybyla
- Professional Economic Development with Rob Sitterley
- The Equity in Economic Development Fellowship Program with Chanell Hasty
- Dane Asks a Question About Site RFIs
- The Work Starts at Home: Business Attraction with Lenora Fisher
Now on to the top 10 podcasts of 2022. You probably didn't miss these (because they're the top ten episodes!):
Top 10
- Tax Increment Financing with Emily Blaylock
- What To Do First in Economic Development with Andy Portera
- A Tourism Director Who Thinks Like an Economic Developer with Thomas Salley
- Talking Downtown Strategies with Jenn Gregory and Elliott Cook
- Both a Planning Agency and an EDO With Chris Setti
- The Journey: Successful Strategies and Techniques for Economic Developers with Chad Newell
- How Creating Housing Density Can Solve Economic Challenges with Scott Graves
- This Economic Developer Absolutely Loves Her Small Town with Amanda Beadles
- How to Build a Business Accelerator in Your Small Town With Jana Sanchez
- Building Startup Accelerators with John Lynn
Looking back, I'm thrilled with the growth of the podcast in 2022. I've been able to have great conversations with almost four-dozen economic developers leading efforts to make their communities better places to live and work. I can't wait for 2023!
In case you missed any episodes this year or want to check out some of the highlights, you can find all the episodes on our website at
If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to get in touch with me on Twitter (@danec) or via email ([email protected]).
Here's to another fantastic year of economic development podcasting. I can't wait to see what 2023 brings. Stay tuned!
Happy New Year, and best wishes for a great 2023. Thanks for a great 2022!
PS - If you enjoy the Econ Dev Show Podcast, please leave a review. It is the single most helpful thing you can do for the show.
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