The Impossible Magic of Economic Development
Why your EDO needs a magic wand called Sitehunt

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Imagine a magician performing an impossible feat. First, you select a card from his deck. He makes a show of failing to find it. Then, with a knowing smile, he leads you to a nearby park. There, as if struck by inspiration, he begins to dig.
Beneath undisturbed grass lies a small box. Inside, impossibly, is your chosen card.
The secret isn't in finding your card--it's in what happened months earlier, when the magician buried dozens of boxes, each containing a different card. He then waited patiently for nature to conceal his preparation, for grass to grow and erase all traces of his work.
The magic wasn't in the moment of revelation, but in the meticulous groundwork that made the impossible seem effortless.
Economic development works the same way. When a site selector sends an RFI demanding precise details about properties, demographics, and infrastructure, the most compelling responses don't come from last-minute scrambling--they come from methodical preparation.
This is why I built Sitehunt.
Using AI and big data, Sitehunt meticulously documents every property in your community--not just those actively marketed, but the quiet warehouses, the strategic farmland, the dormant industrial sites awaiting their next chapter. For each, it gathers exhaustive data: soil conditions, utility capacities, ownership histories. It captures details others might overlook: intersection radii, rail spur lengths, water line ages.
To do this manually would be an unreasonable investment of time. But when those RFIs arrive, you can perform what seems impossible: producing complete solutions while others are still gathering basic information.
Like any great magic trick, the secret is simple but powerful--it's about doing what others consider impossible. The magician buries boxes months in advance. Sitehunt continuously gathers and analyzes data, preparing answers for questions that haven't yet been asked.
The result? When that crucial RFI lands on your desk, you don't just respond--you amaze. Like a magician producing a card from an impossible location, you deliver exactly what's needed, precisely when it's needed.
Because sometimes, magic isn't about doing the impossible. It's about being using tools like Sitehunt to do more than you ever thought possible.
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