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Assorted Links Monday

US factories desperate for workers, CFOs are super upbeat, which counties have the highest job concentrations in pet care services, and more.

Dane Carlson
Dane Carlson
2 min read
Assorted Links Monday

Table of Contents

US factories desperate for workers, even as ranks of jobless remains high

The surge we’ve been hoping for is here: Business activity soars for manufacturing and services in Texas

"Cars are 2021's toilet Paper" - US Automakers Report Blowout First Quarter

Newspapers can't depend on retail advertisers to survive.  What they should do instead.

Bidenomics, explained.

The tenor, pace, and scope of Biden’s economic programs proposals, and the muted nature of the ideological opposition, suggest that we’ve entered a new policy paradigm — much as when FDR took office in 1933 or Ronald Reagan in 1981. Every President comes in with a laundry list of initiatives, but once every few decades a President comes in with a new philosophy for what policy should look like. And that is happening now.

The US has its own supply-chain crisis brewing as dozens of cargo ships remain stuck off the coast of LA waiting to dock

CFOs haven’t been this upbeat about the economy since 2018: CNBC survey

The CNBC Global CFO Council survey for Q1 2021 shows a level of economic confidence from chief financial officers across the globe that hasn’t been this high since 2018, and fears of the risk from Covid to their business outlook cut in half from just a quarter ago.

The Conference Board Consumer 'Confidence Index' Surged in March

Washington has supplied the dollars to save small businesses, but local leaders need to supply the strategy

The daily nap will soon vanish for millions of workers.  Or will it?

Which counties have the highest job concentrations in pet care services and pet supply stores?

What Economic Developers Need to Know This Week

Dane Carlson Twitter

Founder/Host of Econ Dev Show. Also: Sitehunt CEO and economic development consultant in Greater Houston, Texas.

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