Assorted Links Saturday
Enjoy your weekend: Be sure to read the article about robots in nursing homes.
Table of Contents
The invisible hand's visible swarm: Or, why I'm optimistic the problems that matter will get solved
Construction physics: The pivot to prefab.
Post pandemic, people are eager for experiences: Demand for experiences seems hotter than ever before.
Gen Z does not dream of labor: On TikTok and online, the youngest workers are rejecting work as we know it. How will that play out IRL?
The Amazonification of the American workforce: The e-commerce giant’s labor issues expose the complicated truth about getting what we want when we want it.
Robots in nursing homes? The pandemic has given a new urgency to the development of robots and ‘virtual assisted living’ that can help care for aging adults, physically and emotionally.
Economic development incentive report: Deals in Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Excellent advice from Site Selection Group: Realistic real estate strategies for manufacturers.
Harassment and intimidation are driving local leaders away from public service, and we all stand to lose: “I genuinely worry about how our nation’s cities, towns and villages will attract and retain the talent we need.”
A day in the life of an economic developer, with Brad Thomas, who does economic development for Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives.
Consistency is the key to success:
Most people need consistency more than they need intensity.
— James Clear (@JamesClear) June 15, 2019
-run a marathon
-write a book in 30 days
-silent meditation retreat
-don't miss a workout for 2 years
-write every week
-daily silence
Intensity makes a good story. Consistency makes progress.
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