Assorted Links Thursday
The stalled jobs recovery, labor productivity, post-pandemic economy, the cardboard real estate boom, and bowling balls.
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The status of jobs recovery in one word: Stalled. The U.S. started regaining jobs quickly at the end of the summer a year ago. But in recent months, the improvement has been slight.
Labor productivity up 7.7 percent in retail trade and 3.6 percent in wholesale trade in 2020:

The post-pandemic economy has already arrived: While the coronavirus continues to infect roughly 100,000 new Americans every day, it's no longer driving the course of the economy.
American shoppers are a nightmare: Customers were this awful long before the pandemic.
The cardboard real estate boom is here: The packaging industry is growing—and so are the buildings needed to house it.
You know you want to know: What's inside pro bowling balls?

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