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Assorted Links Tuesday

A decline in battery prices, the rise in food and commodity prices; growth in Texas population, decline in pasta size -- all this and more.

Dane Carlson
Dane Carlson
2 min read
Assorted Links Tuesday

Table of Contents

The price of batteries has declined by 97% in the last three decades

My kind of vacation:

A commodities crunch caused by stingy capital spending has no quick fix: Limited inventory of resources is converging with a buying spree to supercharge prices, spurring inflation concerns

Texas’s population and political power are growing. Here’s why:

"Texas has found a simple formula for success — economic opportunity and a low cost of living — and stuck with it. People want simple things: good jobs, affordable housing and room for kids. And they’re willing to move to states that offer them."

Why food inflation has skyrocketed out of control.

What will they think of next: Flat-packed pasta?

Episode #5 of the Econ Dev Show Podcast is live:

Econ Dev Show 5: What’s a Community Development Improvement Corporation with Josh Mejia
We talk to Josh Mejia, the executive director of the Brownsville Community Improvement District in Brownsville, Texas. Josh was named the Young Economic Developer of the Year by the IEDC in 2020.
What Economic Developers Need to Know This Week

Dane Carlson Twitter

Founder/Host of Econ Dev Show. Also: Sitehunt CEO and economic development consultant in Greater Houston, Texas.

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