Assorted Links Tuesday
Where did all the public bathrooms go? For decades, US cities have been closing or neglecting public restrooms, leaving millions with no place to go.
Table of Contents
Too big to sail: how a legal revolution clogged our ports. Thank you deregulation and the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998.
The incredible tale of the greatest toy man you've never Known: He brought Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Cabbage Patch Kids to our living rooms. He made and lost fortunes.
Where did all the public bathrooms go? For decades, US cities have been closing or neglecting public restrooms, leaving millions with no place to go. Here’s how a lack of toilets became an American affliction.
The fashion for near-shoring expands, with 'microfactories' a growing trend:
By the end of next year Benetton aims to have halved production in Asia, and instead, will manufacture more in Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia. This will bring more control of the production process and transport costs, which have gone through the roof over the past year.
Ships keep coming: Pushing US port logjam and waits to records.
Is The ‘Great Resignation’ actually a mass retirement?
Recent research from Goldman Sachs’ economists offers a completely different take on the now hotly debated tale of spiritual awakening. Fully two-thirds of the folks leaving jobs this past August weren’t actually ‘quitting.’ They were retiring. One million were ‘normal’ retirements, an additional 1.5 million opted for early retirement. That’s a whole different story.
This flexible drone can be completely rolled up: A single motor and flexible wing are all this drone needs
recovery in the labor market in the US so far 👇
— Ben Bakkum (@BenBakkum) November 16, 2021
Supply chains no more: Semiconductors

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