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Economic Development and Developers in the News # 137

Econ dev news from 39 economic development executives and organizations in 13 states and Canada.

Dane Carlson
Dane Carlson
5 min read
Economic Development and Developers in the News # 137
Caricature of an economic developer from Oregon

Welcome to the 137th weekly edition of Economic Development and Developers in the News.

Today's issue contains news from 39 economic development executives and organizations in 13 states and Canada.

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The Econ Dev Show is a podcastweekday email newsletter, and blog of actionable strategies, fresh news, insights, and ideas from the economic development community and your host, Dane Carlson.

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Today's email is brought to you by Resource Development Group

RDG offers customized economic development fundraising solutions for Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Organizations.

They are a small team with over 125 years of combined economic development fundraising experience and over $2 billion, yes, a Billion with a B, in funds raised for communities just like yours.

Every community is different. Atlanta, GA, is not Peoria, IL. Don’t use another city’s fundraising playbook, and expect the same results! A small market requires a different economic development fundraising strategy from a larger market.

RDG's experts thrive in providing customized economic development fundraising solutions for every situation. So whether you’re a startup organization or on your third funding cycle, they have the team and experience to get you the results you’re looking for.

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Alaska’s working-age population continued to decrease in 2023, with more people leaving the state than arriving. Jenna Wright, president of the Anchorage Economic Development Corp, is worried that this shortage is stunting the Anchorage economy, impacting its ability to support existing jobs or drive growth.

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