In the News
Econ dev news and people from around the world. Published weekly on Wednesday.
26 Things Economic Developers Need to Know This Week
The stories Dane thinks you need to see. October 17, 2024 edition.

Economic Development and Developers in the News # 168
Econ dev news from 67 economic development executives and organizations in 23 states.

Economic Development and Developers in the News # 167
Econ dev news from 26 economic development executives and organizations in 14 states.

Economic Development and Developers in the News # 166
Econ dev news from 28 economic development executives and organizations in 12 states and Canada.

Economic Development and Developers in the News # 165
Econ dev news from 28 economic development executives and organizations in 12 states

Economic Development and Developers in the News # 164
Econ dev news from 184 economic development executives and organizations in 36 states and territories, plus Canada and Australia

Economic Development and Developers in the News # 163
Econ dev news from 83 economic development executives and organizations in 28 states

Economic Development and Developers in the News # 162
Econ dev news from 21 economic development executives and organizations in 12 states

Economic Development and Developers in the News # 161
Econ dev news from 14 economic development executives and organizations in 7 states

Economic Development and Developers in the News # 160
Econ dev news from 22 economic development executives and organizations in 9 states