Economic Development on Youtube This Week
What's new in economic development videos this week.
This Week's Newscast from the Next Move Group
How the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill aids small businesses, and more.

Data Talks: Strategic Use of Economic Development Data for Investment Attraction & Business Retention
GIS Planning turned the spotlights backstage to learn more about the robust, up-to-date data behind all of their tools.
Andrew Ratchford on Site Consulting
GLS's Andrew Ratchford gives an in-depth look at site consulting in this video interview.

This Week's Newscast from the Next Move Group
How the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill aids small businesses, and more.
Video: What is an Economic Development Officer?
Canadian economic development officers promote economic growth and sustainability in a community or region.

Video: The Fundamentals of Economic Development
Economic Development 101 - The Fundamentals of Economic Development

Video: How to Be an Economic Development Leader with Jeffrey Finkle
Jeff Finkle talks about his role as an assistant secretary at HUD in the mid-80s and his contribution to economic development.

Video: What is Economic Development?
"Economic development tastes good."

Videos: Insights from the Mind of Dr. Ray Perryman
Dr. Perryman sits down with SETEDF chairman Charlie Foxworth to discuss a variety of topics.