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Economic developers must seize the day.

Dane Carlson
Dane Carlson
1 min read

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So much of our life, and our work, is caught up in the idea of "Tomorrow will be better," or "I'll handle this tomorrow."

Tomorrow has always grasped the human imagination. It carries a promise, a sneak peek into a world with boundless possibilities. The word itself is the essence of potential.

Tomorrow is the realm where every dream has comes true, and joy and success await at every turn.

Tomorrow transcends merely being a time; it's a destination, a separate realm full of promises of what could unfold. It's the future, untainted by the mistakes of today.

But like Groundhog Day, tomorrow disappears every day at midnight.

Each time we say, "I'll do it tomorrow," we push things off instead of doing them now. We hope to do it right tomorrow, but when tomorrow again becomes today, we put it off until tomorrow.

It's a trap.

Tomorrow keeps us from doing the good things we need to do today.

When we stop dreaming about tomorrow, we can see that today is the day when magic can happen.

Every morning, take a moment, and remind yourself to act, to enjoy the day, and to do what you must.

Speaking of which, today is a good day to join Econ Dev Show Pro.

Don't wait for a tomorrow that never comes.

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Founder/Host of Econ Dev Show. Also: Sitehunt CEO and economic development consultant in Greater Houston, Texas.

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