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Podcast Episode 15 - Dane Talks to Himself About the Econ Dev Show

Not content to to just do interviews, in this episode host Dane Carlson tries talking to himself.

Dane Carlson
Dane Carlson
1 min read
Podcast Episode 15 - Dane Talks to Himself About the Econ Dev Show
Photo by Andre Mouton / Unsplash

Table of Contents

Episode #15 of the Econ Dev Show Podcast is live.

Not content to to just do interviews, in this episode host Dane Carlson tries talking to himself.

He spends time talking to himself about all of the great content from the Econ Dev Show that's not the podcast, including the five weekday emails:

(Monday) Podcast Episode 14 - Is Stewart McGregor the Friendliest Economic Developer in Texas? - What happens when you pair one of the friendliest economic developers you'll ever meet, with one of the most interesting cities that you've never heard of?

(Tuesday) Amazon Has Changed Online Shopping and Economic Development - This isn't about Amazon HQ2, I promise.

(Wednesday) Economic Development and Developers in the News - Econ dev news from 112 economic development executives and organizations in 38 states, the Virgin Islands and Canada.

(Thursday) 45 Things Economic Developers Need To Know This Week - The stories that you need to see from this week.

(Friday) Economic Development Jobs This Week

We Are Jobs Podcast (Next Move Group) - Episode 112 with Dane Carlson


Dane Carlson Twitter

Founder/Host of Econ Dev Show. Also: Sitehunt CEO and economic development consultant in Greater Houston, Texas.

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