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62 Things Economic Developers Need To Know This Week

The stories that you need to see from this week. August 19, 2021 edition.

Dane Carlson
Dane Carlson
8 min read
62 Things Economic Developers Need To Know This Week
Photo by Lisa Boonaerts / Unsplash

Welcome to everyone's favorite make you a smarter economic developer newsletter!  Thanks for reading!  If you missed any of our other awesome five week-day newsletters, I've included the last week's worth below.

1) Economic Development and Developers in the News - Econ dev news from 99 economic development executives and organizations in 44 states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and Canada.

2) Get Personal in Econ Dev - When I first started in economic development: I thought that there was a hierarchy.  There's not.

3) Podcast Episode 15 - Dane Talks to Himself About the Econ Dev Show - Not content to to just do interviews, in this episode host Dane Carlson tries talking to himself.

4) Economic Development Jobs This Week - 21 new econ dev jobs in 13 states.

5) 45 Things Economic Developers Needed To Know Last Week - The stories that you need to see from this week. August 12, 2021 edition.

6) The evolution of economic development swag:

7) The global economy is shrugging off the delta variant, for now: Even as delta risks loom, early signs from the third quarter show growth accelerating and inflation peaking after its recent jump, a reassuring sign for policy makers and investors worried about the risks of faltering demand and surging prices. GDP nowcast shows 1.8% expansion in Q3 as U.S. inflation peaks.

8) Will the pandemic productivity boom last? Fewer workers are making more stuff. If it lasts, that’s big news for the economy of the 2020s.

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