Need to Know
Stories, links, images, and videos that'll make you a smarter economic developer. Published 7x per week.
Assorted Links Monday
US factories desperate for workers, CFOs are super upbeat, which counties have the highest job concentrations in pet care services, and more.
Assorted Links Thursday
April Fools' Day edition, and so much more (because not everyone knows that you're not supposed to post real news on April 1).
Assorted Links Wednesday
President Joe Biden unveiled a $2 trillion infrastructure plan today -- will it be the most sweeping since the 1960s space program.
Assorted Links Tuesday
Sometimes success is just about avoiding failure, what can we learn from a big boat stuck in a canal, and more.
Assorted Links Monday
Are we heading for a post-pandemic ‘Roaring 2020s,’ with parties and excess, and more.
Assorted Links Sunday
It's all about the memes today, rotating buildings and "yes experts lie."

Assorted Links Saturday
How to take notes, myths and realities of America's rural economy, and how the US can can surge ahead now that we have vaccines and big relief spending.
Assorted Links Friday
Wooden skyscrapers, trouble in the Suez, geopolitics and the future of remote work in Houston
Assorted Links Thursday
The great Grape-Nuts shortage of 2020 is over. Also, Grape-Nuts to reimburse customers who purchased boxes on the black market, and more.
Assorted Links Wednesday
E-grocery shopping, virtual health care visits, and home nesting were likely to stick around post-COVID. Plus Mexico.