Need to Know
Stories, links, images, and videos that'll make you a smarter economic developer. Published 7x per week.
Assorted Posts Wednesday
How generations communicate differently at work, TikTok resumes, is the economy too hot or too cold, and more.
Assorted Links Tuesday
Ending unemployment benefits hasn't helped the labor shortage, ICSC is changing its name to ICSC, grill makers are cashing in, and more.
Assorted Links Monday
How to steal like an artist, remote work, the end of jobless benefits, and are the roaring twenties here?
Assorted Links Sunday
Companies vs countries, econ dev news from Delaware, coffee vs tea vs soda, and the effectiveness of just showing up.
Assorted Links Saturday
Shrinkflation, cars, econ dev jobs, and Louisiana ED's initiative to educate filmmakers and creative professionals.
Assorted Links Friday
Today's assorted links is a doozy: fourteen links, eight images, a giant fish and a econ dev meme.
Assorted Links Thursday
😂, 🚢, 🏠, 📈 - Sarcasm, shipping, a house, and an upward trending line: what could they mean? Find out in today's assorted links.
Assorted Links Wednesday
Why nobody wants to be a salesperson anymore, lumber prices (are crashing), and so much more.