8️⃣ Happy Earth Day from the Econ Dev Show
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Table of Contents
Welcome to the Econ Dev Show newsletter all you economic development fans and practitioners. I'm your host and editor, Dane Carlson, and I hope that you've had an incredible week.
Must Read This Week
Our most read post of the week is the In The News segment. If you know of any economic development or developer in in the media, let me know.
If you’re recent college graduate in Houston (or know one), and you're looking for an awesome first real job, come work for me! Give me two years and I’ll make you into a kick-ass, in-demand, Texas economic developer! Apply here.
Must Listen

Assorted Links of the Week
The assorted links posts are what I'm reading that day. Some of it will only be useful to me, others should be of interest to you, and some will hit the sweet spot of being great for both of us. Either way, I strive with these links to make you smarter every day and hope that you enjoy them.
Must Watch

Past Issues
We have a large number of new subscribers this week. If that's you, welcome! Here are the newsletters you've missed:

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