Need to Know
Stories, links, images, and videos that'll make you a smarter economic developer. Published 7x per week.
Assorted Links Monday
Subscriptions, inflation, robots and technological optimism.
Assorted Links Sunday
The seven habits that lead to happiness in old age, what happens when Americans stay in the same house forever, and more.
Assorted Links Saturday
The unlikely woes holding up home building, the Great Resignation is also the Great Retirement of the baby boomers, and more.
Assorted Links Tuesday
Happy 2/22/22. It is 22:22 (10:22 PM).
Assorted Links Monday
Happy Presidents' Day from the Econ Dev Show.
Assorted Links Saturday
Regret, saying no, unlearning lessons, and more.
Assorted Links Friday
Happy Friday from the Econ Dev Show.