Need to Know
Stories, links, images, and videos that'll make you a smarter economic developer. Published 7x per week.
Assorted Links Friday
Happy Friday from all of us at the Econ Dev Show. And from us, I mean me.
Assorted Links Wednesday
The "diamonds in the rough" edition.
Assorted Links Tuesday
Companies are rewriting the future of work (again), the rise of pinot noir, pandemic fatigue and more.
Assorted Links Monday
All the largest environmental risks facing the world’s biggest cities, and more.
Assorted Links Sunday
What's the most commonly spoken language in every state (besides English and Spanish.)? You'll be surprised.
Assorted Links Saturday
For millennia, people slept in two shifts – once in the evening, and once in the morning. Why we stopped, and more.
Assorted Links Friday
Happy Friday!
Assorted Links Thursday
A medley of links today.